I am an artist and photographer who works with images and the tangibility of paper and textile materials. I create handmade books in small editions, which serve as exhibitions or collections in a book. 

I published my first book in 2012. At the time, I was working full-time in the corporate world while also studying art. In my job, I encountered many companies and CEOs, and I became somewhat cynical about how they were managed and what was happening within them. I retreated into my artistic work—away from opportunism and grand ambitions. I chose the small and personal. My work became a form of quiet resistance. Since then, the outside world hasn’t improved; it has only become louder and more chaotic. Although I can no longer bear the language of the noisy crowd, my work is about language too. An eloquent language, I hope. Gosh how I long for eloquence these days.

Born in Maastricht, the Netherlands
Works and lives in Amsterdam

Bachelor in Language: African Linguistics (Bantu languages)
Master in Art
Graduated (cum laude) in photography
Graduated in marketing strategy


Bank Street Arts, Sheffield,UK
Booklet Library, Tokyo, Japan
Beinecke Rare Books & Manuscript library, Yale University, Boston, USA
Fotohof, Salzburg, Austria
Franklin Furnace, New York City, USA
Galerie Pennings, Eindhoven, The Netherlands
Indie Photobook Library, Washington, USA
The Joan Flasch Artists Book Collection at the School of the Arts Institute of Chicago, USA
Kaleid Editions London, UK
Koninklijke Bibliotheek, Bijzondere collecties, Den Haag, The Netherlands
Library of the International Photography Festival of Valparaiso, Chili
Library of Photobooks of Arles, France
Library of Victoria and Albert Museum, London, United Kingdom
MoMa, New York City, USA
Not just a Library @Platform Post, Arnhem, The Netherlands
Reminders Photography Stronghold, Tokyo, Japan
Stichting ARTisBOOK, Groningen, The Netherland
Swarthmore College Library, Swarthmore, USA
School of the Art Institute Chicago (Special Collections), Chicago, USA
The Archives, Peter van Beveren Library, The Hague, The Netherlands
The Library Project, Dublin, Ireland
The Printing Museum, Tokyo, Japan
Universität Kassel, Germany
Yale University Library



Still Time: From Art to Books and Back again, group show, Artspace Cambridge, Cambridge, UK
Feest der herkenning, galerie Noord, Groningen, The Netherlands

Not just a fair, groupshow, Platform Post, Arnhem, The Netherlands
Book presentation at Not just a Library opening at Platform Post, Arnhem, The Netherlands

Into The We Space, Group show, Art Lovers Space, Brummen, The Netherlands

Kunst naar de Kelder, Group show and auction, Kunsthal 45, Den Helder, The Netherlands
Kunstsalon IJl, Group show, Galerie Noord, Groningen, The Netherlands

De vluchtigheid van het alledaagse: Exhibition of all my artist’s Books at ARTisBOOK, Groningen, The Netherlands

Kunstenaarsboeken-Boekenkunst, Group show, Kunsthal 45, Den Helder, The Netherlands
Festival van de Controle, Group show, Cultureel Centrum Hasselt, Belgium
Iets met ruimte, Group show, Pictura, Groningen, The Netherlands

ONE TWO THREE, Group show, Galerie Noord, Week van het Kunstenaarsboek, Groningen, The Netherlands
Iets met ruimte, Group show, Kunsthal 45, Den Helder, The Netherlands
9after5, Group show, Radion, Amsterdam, The Netherlands

Co-founder Dutch Independent Art Book Publishers (DIABP)

Selected by Kaleid London, UK, to be part of their 2015 collection of artist books

Nothing to be done exposition, LhGWR, The Hague, The Netherlands

Group show Reframing Young Professionals, Reframe Festival Eindhoven, Gallerie Pennings, Eindhoven, The Netherlands

Group show Rauw at Loods 6 Amsterdam, The Netherlands
Group show Collodion Photography; Fotogram gallery Amsterdam, The Netherlands
Group show We are Void, Amsterdam, The Netherlands
Group show Collodion Photography, FOAC Eindhoven, The Netherlands

Group show Fotogram gallery Amsterdam, The Netherlands

Group show Artless Amsterdam, The Netherlands


2022: Handwerken zonder grenzen, nr 039
2021: Ever Emerging Magazine, The Dutch Edition
2016: Collection #1, Dit boek gaat niet over mode: Cécile Narinx, Merel Bem, Marije van Regenmortel; Atlas Contact
2015: Volkskrant Beste Fotoboeken 2015
2014: Volkskrant Beste Fotoboeken 2014
2013: Volkskrant Beste fotoboeken 2013
2013: Waterfall #6 Food